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Hostility in Harrison council prevents another agenda from getting done

Yet another official meeting ends in unceremonious collapse
Couns. John Allen and Michie Vidal (far right) are out of their seats amid another hostile Harrison Hot Springs council meeting on Tuesday evening. (Screenshot/Village of Harrison Hot Springs)

For at least the third time in just as many months, another Harrison Hot Springs council meeting collapsed before little of substance was accomplished.

Harrison’s council left a full agenda behind after several minutes of routine arguing, shouting and ejections during their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 21.

As the minutes from the last meeting were being discussed, Coun. Allan Jackson criticized Mayor Ed Wood for not accepting Coun. Michie Vidal’s calls for a point of order last meeting but accepted points of order from Coun. John Allen.

RELATED: Beleaguered Harrison Hot Springs council cannot move to dissolve: Municipal Affairs

“We need a level playing field here,” Jackson added.

Wood said Vidal was ruled out of order and removed from the meeting. Vidal started reading off the village’s procedural bylaw as Wood called for order. Wood ordered Vidal removed from the meeting. Her microphone was muted, which prompted her to stand up, turn to the gallery and continue reading.

“The mayor cannot arbitrarily censor a councillor,” she said.

“You have been ordered removed,” Allen said.

“Then I guess your only other option is to attempt to have me physically removed, Mayor Wood,” Vidal replied.

Allen pleaded with the mayor to restore order and accused Vidal of planning the incident ahead of Tuesday’s meeting.

“Order that woman, who is not sitting tonight as a councillor, to sit down and behave,” Allen said. “Turn off the microphone and let’s get on with the agenda.”

Wood moved to adjourn the meeting. The vote failed 2-3, with Vidal, Jackson and Coun. Leo Facio opposed.

Council began to discuss a new proposed location for Harrison Watersports. The business’s commercial mooring would need to move as their lease with the Harrison Hot Springs Resort and Spa was coming to an end.

Allen voiced his opposition on holding a special council meeting to discuss options with the business owners. Jackson spoke up and said Wood was allowing Allen too much time to speak.

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“I’m not here to listen to (Coun. Allen) pontificate for 10 or 15 minutes,” Jackson said. “It is your duty to stop him when he rambles on about (something) he knows nothing about.”

According to a publicly available email from Harrison Watersports to CAO Tyson Koch, two applications for a new tenure location were denied, and several requests from the business to meet with village staff were also rejected.

Vidal tried to speak on the matter but was unable to do so. Jackson pointed out that by removing Vidal from the meeting, everything was likely to come to a 2-2 vote, which results in defeat.

Wood moved for adjournment for a second time. By his count, the motion passed 2-1 as Jackson did not put his hand up and Vidal was expelled from the meeting, despite the fact that she was, in fact, still there.

Vidal moved to have Facio, as deputy mayor, chair the meeting. Facio attempted to move forward, but Allen started to leave, which resulted in further bickering.

A special meeting to address the agenda items has not yet been scheduled as of press time.

Adam Louis

About the Author: Adam Louis

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